Traditional wired dog fences vs GPS wireless dog fence - My Pet Command

Traditional wired dog fences vs GPS wireless dog fence

Posted by Doron Danon on

Are you considering a GPS wireless electric pet fence (frequently referred to generically as a “wireless invisible fence for dogs”) with a collar to keep your dog in your yard? How do wireless GPS systems compare to a traditional wired (underground or above the ground) electronic dog fence? Do wireless electric dog fences really work? Do they provide the same level of safety for your pet?


 Underground dog fence

Most wired pet containment systems feature a buried wire, typically two-to-six inches underground. The wire is connected to a transmitter mounted in your house or garage that sends a harmless, coded radio signal through this wire. Your pet wears a wireless shock collar that is programmed to detect the radio signal (called a receiver collar.) If your pet gets too close to the underground wire, the radio signal triggers a ‘beeping’ noise from the receiver collar that alerts the dog (or cat) to retreat away from the buried wire. Through a simple training process, your pet learns to recognize where it is safe and where the alert is triggered. To reinforce the training, if your pet gets too close to the buried wire, the wireless shock collar for dogs delivers a brief static impulse (correction). The pet quickly learns that the correction is uncomfortable and avoids the buried boundary wire. After training, most pets stay away from the buried wire and remain within the designated safe area.

GPS wireless dog fence

How does a GPS wireless dog fence work

GPS Wireless electric dog fences, by contrast, use satellites to map a specific boundary (geo-fence) for the pet instead of using a buried wire and a fixed radio signal. GPS wireless Dog Fence systems can only create circular boundary fences.  Mapping the fence boundary is done by using satellite technology.  The Centre of the circle coordinates are programmed into the collar and a Radius distance is set on the collar.  The wireless shock collar then calculates within software built inside the collar its current position location that sends an alert to the receiver collar if the pet approaches the boundary and corrects the pet if it does not retreat from the boundary. If the collar cannot position itself due to no GPS Satellite signals for example Pet enters an indoor area, the collar will not deliver any correction and is totally safe and effective for the dog to wear even in areas where there are no satellite signals.

Traditional wired dog fences


Pros and Cons of the wired underground electric fences for dogs


  • Shape. Properties' boundaries are usually rectangular and wired pet fences can be run to the very edge of the entire perimeter, thus making the whole property a safe zone for a pet. You can make the wired electric fence for dogs any shape you wish. By running the wire around pools, ponds, flowerbeds, etc. you can designate areas as 'out of bounds' zones.
  • Cover Area. Wired dog fences can easily cover areas up to 25 acres in size, the only thing you have to do is just buy additional cable.
  • Reliability. Due to the standard preset limits, the dog learns the boundaries earlier, which means less training time.


  • Installation. A wired dog fence is relatively easy to install. The simplest installation is to just lay the wires on the ground and let grass and leaves slowly cover it. However, to protect the fence from damage or breakage it's best to bury it, which typically means digging a trench. This is labor intensive and time consuming, particularly around larger properties. Furthermore pathways and other solid constructions that cross the perimeter of a property present a problem when laying wire. You may have to use special cutting equipment to bury wires across them. Finally you should also think of any possible extra labor adding costs.
  • Fix damaged cable. If a wire does break it can be very difficult to locate the problem area, particularly if the wire is buried, so this would be a long and painful process.
  • Protection. The transmitter box needs to be kept indoors.

Pros and cons GPS invisible fences


  • Installation. A wireless pet fence is very easy to install. Set up your boundaries and will start working in minutes are very cost effective solutions
  • Interference. No interference issues with other electrical devices, as GPS wireless electronic dog fences use the signal of the satellites and not a transmitter box like the typical wireless shock fences! That means that as long as your pet stays outdoor, the wireless shock collar will keep on working, so you won't have to reset it all the time.
  • Boundary. The wireless invisible dog fences can set the boundary anywhere, no matter if there are any obstacles of the ground, the wireless dog perimeter fence can be customized for your property. No digging. No terrain restrictions.
  • Portable. If you travel a lot or often go on camping vacations and want your pet to be safe, the portable electric dog fence is the best solution for you. It is easy to transport and set it up use it wherever you want.



  • Shape of the boundary. This circular safe zone may not cover every corner of your property

Cover area. GPS wireless shock collar fences may not be suitable for very small yards (usually under 98Ft)

  • Further training. The dog may be confused if you use the wireless invisible fence in other areas. You have to remember that you’ll need to re-train your dog and teach him where the new boundaries are.
  • Not open area. GPS satellite signals can also be subject to interference from a variety of sources, including nearby tall buildings and very bad weather conditions which limits its use. So, GPS wireless dog containment fences are often not recommended for properties with potential obstructions.

Summarizing, the above are some things you should know if you are planning to purchase any type of invisible fence for your dog. Wired dog fences are known for their reliability, consistency, and accuracy in creating boundaries. They can also cover a specific shape area. On the other hand, the WIFI dog fences are recommended for owners who want to keep an eye out for their dog without having to hassle themselves in digging soil.

In every case, either wire free dog fence or wired pet fence, they are the best solution over standard physical fences for several reasons:

  • Easier Maintenance. Electric dog fences are much easier to maintain than physical, above ground fences.
  • Safer Alternative. Dogs cannot dig under or tear through no wire dog fences or under-ground fences, as they can with traditional physical fences.
  • Maintain Outdoor View. Implementing an electric dog fence allows owners to maintain their picturesque scenery, without having their view blocked by a physical fence
  • Less Expensive Than Physical Fencing.Installing a physical yard fence can easily cost thousands of dollars, while wireless or in-ground dog fences are a cost effective solution.

Just remember though that whenever you do decide to buy a no wire invisible dog fence or an in ground dog fence for your pets, you need to train them to get used to it! Allow time and patience for the wellbeing of your pets!



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