How to shear a sheep: A Beginners Guide - My Pet Command

How to shear a sheep: A Beginners Guide

Posted by Doron Danon on

Before discussing how to shear a sheep, let's have a look into the four most  common question beginner and Hobby farmers and shepherds ask how do you shear a sheep:

  1. Why do you have to shear sheep?
  2. How often can you shear a sheep?
  3. Is shearing good for sheep?
  4. Does shearing sheep hurt them?

Luckily, you will know when to shear sheep, how to shear a sheep step by step, and shearing sheep with hand shears after reading this guide.

But before that, let us answer the above questions.

  • Qi: Why do you have to shear sheep?

Most farmers shear sheep because of their fine wool. But, shearing a sheep is also necessary to keep them comfortable through the changing season (spring to summer to winter).

In summer, for instance, sheep require thin fur to stay cool. In winter, they need thick wool to remain warm.

But remember that regular shearing is not recommended for all sheep breeds. Majority of the breeds, however, require shearing once or twice a year. As specified in this guide.

  • Qii: How often can you shear a sheep?

You can shear a sheep at least once a year in spring to allow fine wool growth. Furthermore, shearing should be done approximately 30 to 60 days before lambing.

Therefore, always shear a sheep once a year right before summer begins. But for other sheep breeds like the Corriedale and Merino, they grow wool faster and can be shorn twice a year.

  • Qiii: Is shearing good for sheep?

Yes. Shearing is necessary for sheep to keep them comfortable in summer. Furthermore, shearing a sheep reduces the risk of external parasite infestation. Particularly ticks, lice, mites, and keds.

Remember that most sheep do not shed wool adequately and should be shorn as recommended.

  • Qiv: Does shearing hurt them?

No. Shearing does not hurt a sheep. But always take the necessary precaution while handling an electric wool shearing clipper.

Prepare Your Equipment

There are a few essential items that should be available before and after shearing a sheep.

  1. Sheep shears electric hand shearing clippers with combs
  2. Sheep shear apron
  3. Old towels for young flock that pee during shearing
  4. Garbage bags to collect soiled wool
  5. Broom and dustpan to clean the shearing area

Sheep shears electric hand shearing clippers

An ideal wool shearing clippers needs to be affordable, efficient, and heavy duty.

The sheep shears pro 110v 500w professional heavy duty electric shearing clippers with 6 speed is the best option in the market.

Here are its 5 main properties:

  • Has comfortable grip to make shearing sheep easy and safe.
  • Has a variable 6 speed control to ensure wool is cut precisely
  • Has high-quality aluminum blades to make shearing quick
  • Is compatible with different blades
  • Has a durable design with ventilators that prevent it from overheating

Sheep shear apron

Pick a durable sheep shear apron to serve you longer. The best material is cotton.

Cotton is easy to maintain, affordable, and durable.

Prepare the Shearing Area

Shearing sheds are usually spaced and designed to host the sheep comfortably. Nonetheless, you can effectively shear sheep even without a shed.

The shearing area needs to be sufficiently spaced. Additionally, have a collection bin to put the wool and avoid untidiness.

The shearing area should be moisture free and free from wind.

Ensure the space is enough (if you specifically intend to use a table or restrains during shearing).

Make sure the power source is close enough to power the electric sheers.

Tips for Shearing

Here is a complete step-by-step process to follow for successful outcomes.

Tip 1: Handling the sheep

Hold the sheep firmly after preparing the shearing area.

How to correctly hold the sheep:

  1. Firmly hold underneath the jaw with your dominant hand
  2. Hold the back of the sheep with your other hand
  3. Lift the sheep’s head up and crank it over her right shoulder
  4. Swing and lay the sheep down

Note: You need to understand how to hold and handle the sheep firmly (as suggested above) to constantly control its movements. You do not want to cut the sheep’s skin and tendon as it struggles to remain calm.

Sheep shearing guide

Tip 2: Handling the sheep shears and Adjust Blade tension

Understand how to handle the sheep shears pro 110v 500w professional heavy duty electric shearing clippers properly.

How to correctly hold the sheep shears:

  1. Firmly grip the shaft of the clipper with your dominant hand
  2. Let the blade and comb face upwards
  3. Gently stroke the machine to cut the wool
  4. Always remember to turn the hand piece while shearing close to the sheep’s tendons and other delicate spots. Hold the electric shearing clipper sideways and avoid shearing directly
  5. Adjust Blade tension by first loosening the tensioning know and then slowly turning clockwise ¼ “ each time till you find the correct tension for the wool you are shearing
Tip 3: Choosing the correct shearing blades

Sheep shearing blades are available in diverse brands (Heiniger, Oster, Sunbeam, Beiyuan and GTS 2005), sizes, materials, and functionalities. Thus, you should pick the precise blade to give your sheep comfortable shearing.

Sheep Shears Pro supplies high quality steel blade from Beiyuan cutters that is compatible with the sheep shears pro 110v 500w professional heavy duty electric shearing clipper.

Beiyuan is the top brands in Australia that manufactures sheep shearing blades.

High Quality Professional blades: Sheep shears pro clipper blades replacement sheep cutter blades set (blade and cutter)

Available sizes

  • 13 Tooth Straight Blade set for Standard Sheep
  • 9 Tooth curved Blade set for Alpacas and Llamas
  • 20 Tooth Straight Blade set for Show Goats

Note that

Sheep Shears Pro can accommodate industry standard universal blades. So, you do not need to worry about using any of the above mentioned 3 blades for your show goats, Alpacas, or Llamas.

After purchase, you will get 2 Bottles of Lube oil which is compatible with all electric hair clippers.

Always use Clipping oil and Cooling Sprays as required during the clipping process

Sheep shearing tools

Step-by-step process on how to shave a sheep

There are seven steps involved when shearing a sheep.

  1. Choose the sheep size to begin

Normally, you can begin with the lambs before finalizing with the mature sheep or vice versa. Depending on your preference.

  1. Hold the sheep firmly as suggested above and start shearing from the chest area down to the belly

Pull the sheep’s skin as tight as possible with your hand and stroke the shearing clippers with the other hand.

Be careful not to cut the sheep’s skin.

  1. Position the sheep on its rump and proceed shearing the hind legs

Sheer the hind legs as the sheep still lays on its rump.

  1. Shift the sheep on the left and right respectively to shear both sides

Continue holding the sheep’s skin tight while stroking the sheep shears pro 110v 500w professional heavy duty electric shearing clippers.

This particular electric shearing clippers has sharp blades and so you need to be extra careful and hold it firmly.

  1. Shearing the head and neck
  • Hold the head in an upward direction to position it correctly
  • Gently stroke the shearing clipper against the skin wrinkles to avoid cutting the sheep’s skin
  • Gently lift the sheep’s ears to work your way on top of the sheep’s head. But do not pull the ears.

Note: Do not let go of the front legs while shearing the sheep’s head.

  1. Shearing the back side

Let the sheep lay on its side and sheer the back side.

The back side requires longer shearing strokes than any other spot. Also, you need to be cautious when shearing close to the backbone.

Last Step: Clear the shearing area

Thoroughly sweep and clear the shearing area to remove all the scattered wool.

When is the Best Time for Shearing?

A few farmers prefer to shear a sheep in summer. Shearing a sheep in winter risks hypothermia.

So, what are specific moths recommended to shear a sheep and how often do you shear sheep?

The best time to shear a sheep is during the spring season. Usually between the months of February through to May-June (Northern Hemisphere).

Final Thoughts

This sheep shearing for beginners guide has looked at how to shear a sheep, why do they shave sheep, and when to shave a sheep.

Hence, follow all the step-by-step process discussed and use the sheep shears pro 110v 500w professional heavy duty electric shearing clippers to achieve effective results.

Wool harvesting

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  • I appreciate you informing us that shearing is necessary for sheep since this helps reduce the risk of external parasite infestation, particularly ticks and lice. My dad is raising sheep on our farm, and he noticed that some of them keep itching now and then, so he’s worried that they have caught lice without him knowing. I’ll be sure to help him look for sheep lice treatment to help solve this issue soon.

    Anna Collins on

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