10 Toxic Foods Pets Should Never Consume - My Pet Command

10 Toxic Foods Pets Should Never Consume

Posted by Doron Danon on

Ever wonder if foods might be bad for your furry friend? Like individuals, our pets may have various dietary requirements and sensitivities. Many of the foods we consume regularly may be toxic foods for pets, which could give rise to severe diseases. ASPCA reports that harmful food consumption causes more than 100,000 pet poisoning incidents each year. 

Well, to make our lovely pets healthy and safe, we need to know which foods should be avoided. So, in this blog post, we will discuss the toxic foods  that should never be given them. Let's get started and learn more about harmful foods to ensure the protection of our beloved animals!

Things Pets Should Never Eat That Are Toxic  

Toxic Foods for Pets

1. Broccoli

Although it is full of vitamins and could be a good snack for people, animals should not be eaten. The substances in the florets can prove difficult for the pets to digest and may result in possible digestive complications. Too much of it can lead to your pet causing gas and bloating, which is quite discomforting. It would be best to keep this away if you want them to continue feeling good.

2. Grapes & Raisins

These are highly toxic to your furry friend. They have been known to cause kidney failure, even if a little is ingested. The early signs include sick, diarrhea, and lethargy symptoms. If you think your pet has eaten these, you should immediately call your veterinarian to seek advice. To minimize additional risk, you should simply avoid feeding these to your pets.

3. Chicken & Turkey Skin, Ham, & Other Fatty Cuts of Meat

Some owners like sharing meals with their pets, but fatty meats should be limited. Chicken, turkey skins, ham, and other pieces of meat can be toxic foods for pets and may trigger pancreatitis. This condition will lead them to feel a lot of pain since the pancreas gets inflamed due to a large amount of fat, signs that include vomiting, abdominal pains, and lethargy. Instead, you can go for lean cuts of meat and remove the skin to treat your pet.

4. Chocolate

It contains two substances that make it toxic foods for pets: theobromine and caffeine. A small quantity of chocolate can lead to terrible symptoms like diarrhea, rapid breathing, and a rush heartbeat. In extreme cases, your furry friend has a chance to die. So, all those treats, cakes, and baked goodies made with chocolates must always be kept out of your pets' reach.

5. Sugar-Free Gum & Candy (Xylitol)

It is toxic foods for pets as well. After being eaten, its immediate effect is that the blood sugar becomes very low too quickly and often within a few hours from treatment; this can lead to presenting weakness, lethargy, seizures, and finally, the failure of the liver itself. Always check ingredient labels before offering your pets any food or treats, and keep all sugar-free products safely stored out of their reach.

6. Tomatoes & Raw Potatoes

The toxic compound in tomatoes and raw potatoes is called solanine. Although the tiny amounts in ripe tomatoes are generally safe, their green parts, including stems, are poisonous. Solanine poisoning leads to gastrointestinal upset, listlessness, and sometimes confusion. Raw potatoes are also toxic, particularly if they have sprouted or are green. Avoid feeding your pet any of these foods, but provide only cooked, unseasoned vegetables.

7. Spicy Food

It could be an especially popular dish among individuals, but it may actually toxic foods for pets. They dislike it, and eating them will make them unwell, causing diarrhea, vomiting, and upset stomachs. In addition, it can trigger discomfort by irritating their intestinal system.

8. Salt

While a small amount of salt is necessary in your pet's diet, too much is dangerous. Excess intake of salt will cause excessive thirst and urination. This could lead to full-on sodium ion poisoning in extreme circumstances. Always keep those salty treats such as chips, pretzels, and processed meats out of reach from your pets to avoid health risks. If you think your pet has ingested much salt, call your veterinarian as soon as possible.

9. Raw Meat

Feeding pets raw meat exposes them to dangerous bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli. Pets and humans alike may fall sick from these micro-organisms, while some may experience gastrointestinal problems due to parasites. Most pet owners encourage feeding them raw diets but must be careful and informed. Cooking meat ensures that it is safer for them, plus they will get all the nutrients without the risks associated with consumption.

10. Onions, Garlic, Chives, & Leeks

These are part of the Allium family and are rather toxic foods for pets. Consumption can cause oxidative damage to red blood cells, leading to a disease known as hemolytic anemia. There may also be signs of weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, and dark urine. If such signs occur following your pet's intake of these foods, veterinary attention should be given immediately. You have to be alert about foods that may contain those ingredients.


Final Words

For most pet owners, it is one of the most important things to see to their pets' safety and good health. It starts with understanding what food may be toxic foods for pets.

Read instructions carefully whenever you feed pet food and treats that suit them. Never be afraid to ask your veterinarian for guidance if you believe your pet may have eaten something toxic. We can assist in keeping our dogs safe and provide them with the affectionate care they require by being proactive and informed.

At My Pet Command, check out our dog training goods to see if you're bringing a new pet into your house and are interested in instructing them correctly. They can help you establish a close bond with your dog and keep them happy and healthy.  

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